6 Emotions You’ll Experience During a Job Change

Leaving one job to pursue another can be a bittersweet time in your career. On one hand, you’re glad that you have this new, promising opportunity lying ahead, but it’s also scary and unfamiliar. You may even struggle with feelings of guilt and sadness as you leave your current employer and co-workers behind. However, making the switch from one job to another doesn’t have to be an emotional roller coaster, if you know what to expect. Here are six emotions you’re probably going to experience during this transitional phase in your career.

Evolving in your career is natural, but change isn’t always easy. For instance, if “evolving” is the result of being fired or laid off from your job, then you will probably experience some negative emotions from the upheaval. Even if your departure from your current job is amicable and a positive boost for your career, you’ll have some feelings as a result of leaving the familiar behind.

To  prevent your emotions from blindsiding you during the transition, be prepared. Here’s what you might feel, when you leave one job and take another:

Negative Emotions You May Experience
1. Depression and Sadness
Leaving your current job can feel like a breakup or divorce for many professionals, so it’s not uncommon for feelings of sadness, and even depression, to set in after the decision to leave is finally made. These initial feelings are normal when momentous occasions like a career change happen, so don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, accept that this is part of the process and that you’re doing exactly what you should be doing for yourself and your career.
2. Guilt
Moving on in your career can bring on feelings of guilt because you may feel as though you’re leaving everyone and everything behind (e.g. job, employer, co-workers, clients, etc.) to pursue new opportunities at a new company. You may even feel selfish for moving on, but try not to let those damaging feelings seep in during this time, because they will only do more harm than good.
3. Fear and Anxiety
Change isn’t always easy, but as the saying goes, when one door closes, another door opens. Just know that there will always be fear in the unknown, so do your best to focus on making this new chapter in your life an unforgettable one. Doubting yourself and/or your decision to move on will only cause you undue stress and anxiety, which will do absolutely nothing for you but set you back. This time of change is about moving forward, creating new memories, and achieving new successes – not about looking back or trying to predict the future.
Positive Emotions You May Experience
1. Acceptance
Once you get through the emotional turmoil mentioned above, you’ll begin accepting your decision to move on and realize that you’re doing what’s best for you and your career. You’ll see that your decision to move on is not you not abandoning your employer and leaving them high and dry. Instead, you’ll appreciate the role that your employer played in your professional development during your time there, and you’ll also realize that you played a pivotal role at the company while you were employed.
2. Relief
One of the best emotions you’ll encounter during this process is relief. This is the time to start constructing your game plan for this new phase in your career, now that you’re past the negative emotions and in the right mindset. You no longer have feelings of guilt or sadness, so you can make room for the good feelings that will help drive success.
3. Motivation and Determination
Your newfound feelings of elation and relief will open the door for motivation and determination to seep on in – and, boy, does it feel good. This is about the time that you begin getting excited, and you finally begin to embrace the fact that you are doing the right thing. You’re more motivated than ever to achieve your dreams and go for the gold. You’ve worked hard to get where you’re at, and there’s no stopping you now.
In these types of situations, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, it may ease some anxiety to get a good idea of what you should be earning, how to negotiate the salary you deserve, and where your new career path will take you over the next five years. The more you know about what to expect during these transitional periods in your life and career, the better. Good luck!


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