
Showing posts from December, 2017

Occupational Personality Types

                 The traits we use to find out the careers and college majors we should opt for, and will fit us the best is known as occupational personality traits. Personality can be further classified on the basis of an individual’s occupation and vocational options. John Holland grouped these features into six personality types −                    Realistic Personality  − These types of individuals have a realistic personality. They are shy in nature, stable, and practical. They belong to professions like agriculture, engineering, fashion designing, etc. Investigative Personality  − These types of individuals are analytical, curious, and have an independent mindset. They belong to professions like writing, teaching, medicine, etc. Artistic Personality  − These types of individuals have great imagination and are idealistic. They belong to professions like fine arts, music, photography, etc. Social Personality  − These types of individuals are sociable, helpful

Positive Manipulation as a Base for Constant Motivation at the Workplace

Introduction Word manipulation has somewhat negative connotation. Typically, it is perceived as a word used for describing unethical conduct, even though its two definitions in the Merriam-Webster dictionary carry a positive meaning. A definition of relevance to Positive Manipulation Theory is “skilful handling or operation, artful management or control”. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is presented as old fashioned and less efficient. It is also said that high levels of some extrinsic motivators, monetary rewards particularly, are considered to be in contrary to job motivation (Herzberg, Mausner, Snyderman, 1993, p.116). Herzberg also classifies monetary rewards not a motivator, but a hygiene factor, a factor which if not present causes dissatisfaction. Job security is placed in the group of hygiene factors as well. If managers conclude that they want to motivate people by helping them to satisfy their needs and they dive into the literature searching for the advi

6 Emotions You’ll Experience During a Job Change

Leaving one job to pursue another can be a bittersweet time in your career. On one hand, you’re glad that you have this new, promising opportunity lying ahead, but it’s also scary and unfamiliar. You may even struggle with feelings of guilt and sadness as you leave your current employer and co-workers behind. However, making the switch from one job to another doesn’t have to be an emotional roller coaster, if you know what to expect. Here are six emotions you’re probably going to experience during this transitional phase in your career. Evolving in your career is natural, but change isn’t always easy. For instance, if “evolving” is the result of being fired or laid off from your job, then you will probably experience some negative emotions from the upheaval. Even if your departure from your current job is amicable and a positive boost for your career, you’ll have some feelings as a result of leaving the familiar behind. To    prevent your emotions from blindsiding you durin